Aloha Family & Friends,
Many of my friends have started to blog their lives and so we decided we would give it a try too. We're not very consistent with updating things or keeping we'll see how this goes. Not much has changed in our lives since we last saw you all at our wedding in SC. We are still in Hawaii loving our tropical 3 year vacation . As you all know Jeff returned from his deployment safe and sound (God Bless) and is now preparing for yet another year away from home. Keep him in your prayers as we climb another mountain.
Our family still consists of just animals....two cats and a dog named Lucki! We are hoping to expand our family in the next few months....see later blog. ;) I am graduating in July from University of Phoenix where I will hopefully continue my education with a further degree while I seek employment in Corporate America!! Wish me luck....I still have no clue what I want to do.
As for now, I'm going to finish some homework while I watch Jeff enjoy his endless passion for Xbox 360.
The Strayers (Jeff, Leza, Lucki, Maggie & Sassie)
Park City Utah
3 years ago