I ALMOST didn't have anything to blog about tonight...then, I remembered it was Monday night(actually my DVR reminded me) and the 2nd episode of Dancing with the Stars 2010 was on! I have never been in to this show until this season. (My secret reason for watching--Kate Gosselin) Unfortunately, tonight was not Kate's best....nor was last week, but that's beside the point. I give her credit for getting out there and trying something new. I was amazed at some of the couples tonight, here's who I voted for:
1. Pam & Damian-Because she was so graceful and reminded me of Marilyn--my favorite!
2. Chelsie & Jake-He was awesome and she of course is GREAT as always. (more than 1 vote from me) Let's be honest--he's fun to watch too ;)
3. Kate & Tony-She was a trainwreck, hard to watch & even harder not to look, but I admire her humility ;)

4. Buzz & Ashly-He's an American legend, how can you not?
5. Erin & Maksim- She did a great job tonight & even though her arms (& legs) go on for days she was so graceful & elegant tonight.
6. Niecy & Louis- She's hilarious, confident, and so much fun to watch! I'm curious to see her transformation over the season. I think she'll become even more confident :)

A second exciting part of my day was when a package arrived from my in-laws with a "Happy Easter" sign on the side.....too bad we can't open it for a few more days. What a tease!!!

Then, the most exciting (yet, not happy) part of my day was when I arrived home today I attempted to open my garage door--well, it didn't....all because of this.....
Two giant screws that came out?!

When I would attempt to open it this is what it would do. What you can't see in the picture is that the entire metal frame came out of the wall, it was bent out of shape, and it was incredibly unstable.

When we bought the home (last month) we were told everything--wall to wall--was covered with a one year warranty. I immediately called the garage installer and left a message, then frantically called the builder. They were able to reach the installer and he immediately came out to fix it....only problem is, he's claiming we locked the garage and forced it open so he won't cover it under warranty. But, apparently he didn't listen when I said "I closed the garage from the outside, so how could I lock it?" Please pray that we don't have to pay for this and the builder will cover it. This garage has been giving us problems since day 1 and it finally just decided to break. Lucky for them, our jeep has a rack and it supported the garage doors weight so it did not ruin our roof or sunroof.
Another crappy part of our day was our trip to the DMV to get our Jeep's tags. Unfortunately, the dealership (in Denver--4.5 hours away) did not send the paperwork to our bank to be filed with the county so we could not get our tags. Because of their mistake we are in danger of passing the temporary tags deadline.
My lesson for the day--get EVERYTHING in writing! We are learning the hard way to trust people and companies' word.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a great day. I'm working on a few items as gifts for friends tonight so my hands are burnt and scarred from the hot glue gun, but its all a show of love :)