Thank you everyone for the sweet comments. I am feeling so much better. This weekend gave me the time to catch up on sleep and cough...sounds funny, but it got all the crap out of my chest. Yuk!
Speaking of the weekend...we had a GREAT one! Friday night, we did nothing...and it was awesome. We watched a couple of movies and drew out the plans for our future "Backyard Oasis", which will be breaking ground in 4 weeks!!! Then, on Saturday we visited Amanda and Daniel's house in was beautiful out there! Being at their home made me feel like I was back in SC with fresh air, dirt roads, and land that just continues for miles. Amanda was kind enough to take me on a ride (in 50 degree weather on an open cabin "gator") to see a beautiful Lake (kind of....don't know really what it was) and some HUGE buffalo just hanging out in some dude's front yard...literally. I have a picture to prove it! It isn't the best quality (cell phone) and the picture does not do justice for the size of these things. There were literally like 7 or 8 of them (including 3 babies) just hanging out in the yard. I tried to convince Jeff that we need cattle or something in our yard...he didn't agree. I wonder why?

Anyway, we had a great dinner with Amanda and Daniel. We discovered that we have alot more in common than I knew. For example, everyone makes fun of me for not crying at our wedding....while Jeff & every other person in that room cried like a baby. In my defense, I laugh when I'm nervous or emotional...finally, I met another wife who did the same thing!
Sunday we got up and dressed for church. Then, I reminded Jeff that our pastor would not be there. He is the only pastor Jeff actually enjoys listening to and speaks about the bible in a way that he can actually picture each sentence. So, we ended up skipping church :( and spending quality time together. It was much needed time together, but I'll definately be listening extra hard next week.
Today was a manageable Monday. A few people actually commented that I sounded too chipper for a Monday....but, nonetheless it was a busy, caotic, and hectic Monday at usual. After dinner we took another trip to Lowe's to price our future "Backyard Oasis". Luckily, it's right on budget! There's one part of our backyard that is just so boring and wasted space. The way our backyard is set up we have 75% rock and 30% grass...which I am not happy about. So we are making the best of it and doing something beautiful and personal with the space. I tried to find a picture to show you all what we're thinking of doing, but no such luck.....sooooooo, here's bits and pieces of what we're doing.
Instead of building a porch, we have decided to create a
obble stone area about 14' x 16' wide.
We chose this's beautifuil in person.

We found this patio set in brown that we love,
but not sure if it's exactly what we're looking for.

Finally, our "Backyard Oasis" wouldn't be complete without a canopy and fire pit.
I can already picture many wonderful summer nights with great friends and great food! Our landscaping is scheduled to be completed this Thursday and we'll begin preparation for the transformation of the boring side of our home.
If anyone has some great ideas on what we can add or change about our "Backyard Oasis" please let me know. Suggestions welcome!
Thank you again for all the well wishes last week. I am so much better and ready to feel 100% again.
God bless you all!