Today was the first day of MY house. I have a long weekend...thanks to the holiday weekend and I thought I could spend it cleaning and decorating for our first FALL season....(we didn't get fall, winter, or much of a spring in Hawaii).
The hubby is out today dove hunting and scouting for his upcoming Elk adventure in a few weeks. So, I have the whole day to myself to do this....

Put my subtle fall decorations on the shelves in the living room.

I'm thinking of getting some nicer fall colors leaves and placing them in the kitchen on top of the cabinets and maybe a few over the large windows as well.

This little guy will be our guest for the next few weeks until Halloween is over. We don't really celebrate Halloween, but we love to decorate so an
oh-so-scary ghost in the living room isn't too much of bad taste.

I whipped up a table runner today for the entry way table and the dining room table. It took less than 5 minutes and looks so much better than the gold one I usually have there. I still haven't quite finished decorating this table yet, but for now it's cute. I plan to add a large fall colored floral arrangement here....just as soon as I make my way to Hobby Lobby again.

Here is the center piece for the dining room table. I also plan to add to this table as well. That's on the hobby lobby list as well. :)

Here's a view of the table runner I made today for the dining room table as well. I think I may be making a new table runner for the Christmas season. This year I have way more patience and talent than I did last year. (The one I made last year probably fell apart in the moving process.)

My big project is to find something for our coffee table. It's so boring right now. I hope to find something...where else, but Hobby Lobby!

This was my project this afternoon when I found myself running out of things to unwrap and place on shelves. I am making a sign for our front door. I haven't decided what it will say yet, but I'm thinking "Welcome to the Strayer's"....boy that's so original.

In even more exciting news, my wonderful husband and I celebrate 5 years of marriage this past Thursday. We had a very low key day. After work we came home and discussed whether we should go to a movie, dinner, and then a walk with the dogs. But, we did none of that. Instead we rode the motorcycle down a very long, very straight road (which I was thankful for, I hate the turns) and watched the sun fall behind the horizon as we traveled in the cool breeze (sounds so romantic doesn't it?) It was so romantic other than the bugs smacking in to my helmet and the annoying sweat dripping down my forehead from that hot hot helmet ;) We stopped at a very classy restaurant known as Wen.dy's. Then, we came home and played with the dogs until it was time to go to bed. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
I also have not shared the best news yet! Jeff was baptized last Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at our church. It was the best celebration we've ever experienced together. I can honestly say since he was baptized he has changed so much. We now look forward to doing bible studies
together and joining our brothers and sisters on Sundays and Wednesday. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful church family that has been so welcoming, loving, and supportive since we first visited in February.