Well, my weekend went very slowly due to the anticipation of hubby coming home today. My day today started off with me waking up and realizing how much I hated being Colorado (just for the moment). I have neighbors who whine and complain about my dogs, don't bother to wave, and really need to move to retirement homes. I spent the morning cleaning and preparing for hubby to get home, but at the same time wishing we were still in Hawaii; surrounded by great friends, beautiful sunshine, and beaches. After a big pity party for myself, I realized that I am very thankful for our Colorado experiences. We have a great church family that I wouldn't change for the world, a job & team I love, wonderful friends (and more to come), and a foundation to finally begin a family with.
So, after finally getting my honey home today and settling in to our normal routines I am also thankful to be mixing a little bit of this......

and this.....

Thanks to some of our wonderful church friends we will not be spending Thanksgiving alone. I will be preparing the cheesecake and my mom's famous sausage cheeseballs so we have a little bit of our tradition at their family dinner.
This weekend we are going to watch the local parade, cut down our christmas tree, and take some much needed holiday pictures up in the mountains :)
I hope everyone has a very very blessed Thanksgiving and creates lots of memories this year.