We went to our first PBR event!

Christmas Eve 2010
Christmas morning I made homemade french toast sticks and we opened our gifts from our families. They were so good to us this year. I wish we could have gone home, but maybe next year they will all come to us :) hint hint.
After we ate and opened gifts we went over to Gary & Annie's for a huge breakfast. I made 55 french toast sticks and could not believe there were leftovers.
Christmas Eve we had some great friends over for food and games. I made lots of goodies and reallllly enjoyed our company. For your enjoyment, here are a few pictures that will make you laugh.
You wouldn't believe it but this man is our preacher, but don't worry Southwest members...he won't quite his day job...even though sometimes he might think he has potential in the acting/singing/comedian field.
Here are a few pictures of our cherades game. The only picture I did not get was Jamal (sorry J) I promise next time I'll get ya.
The photo below is the guys' team realizing they lost to the girls!