I think it's definately a day for toe socks and lounge pants....all day!
Ok so some people who know me would not say I lack confidence, but I do have insecurities. I worry (like many infertile women) that my husband will not love me if I cannot make him a father. I worry that he'll naturally move on to someone who can. If you know my husband, you know this is a stupid stupid idea. I know he loves me. He never fails to tell me....as many times a day as he can. Trust me. I adore him. But, that does not seem to change the way I feel. I once read a book about life after miscarriages and the author wrote "When my husband looks at me only days after yet another miscarriage I often wonder if he's searching for an expiration date". This is exactly how I feel sometimes....although he never looks at me like that. But, my stupid emotions make the worst of everything. Resolution #1 for 2011: Love. Every. Moment. we've had 5.5 years together without children and if our lives are meant to be without children, I know Jeff will never leave me. I know it. Time for me to believe it.
Not quite a side effect of clomid, rather a reality for many women trying to conceive. I have approximately 9 people in my life expecting (or recently-like within a month) a baby. So, I'm literally S.U.R.R.O.U.N.D.E.D. by the thought of babies. Each month. week. day. it's a new announcement...and it drives me crazy! I know it's wrong. As a woman of God I ask for forgiveness nearly everday for wishing my life was just like . I know I am not supposed to envy. Boy, that's hard. Especially when you constantly beg and plead for the one thing that every one has.
I was recently going through my deployment journal from 2008. We were fresh off of miscarrying and saying goodbye for a year. What an emotional writer I am. I hd some harsh feelings at the time. I felt alone. I felt abandoned. I felt envious. That's a tough thing to admit, but it's true. I felt it. And I still do.
I think this past year has been rather challenging in comparison to other years. I've waited years for Jeff to be as excited as I am about having a child. He's finally there. So, that adds a new element to my stress. It used to be just me wondering if I was pregnant, wondering if this was the month, and analyzing all of my symptoms. Now, it's the both of doing it. Imagine each time I say I'm tired. He says "you're pregnant". I love my husband SO MUCH. But, sometimes it fuels my own analysis of each cramp, twinge, and moments of exhaustion.
Ok, so I just told some of my inner-most feelings. Wow. It'll probably be a day or two before I click the big orange button. Please bare with me. Don't judge me. And please....don't feel pity for me. I hate that. Just pray for me. God has a plan....just need to pray for patience so that I can wait to experience it.
Here is my daily dosage of baby making pills. They each have their own special reason for existing. The little white one is the magic pill :)
My dear friend Lily!
Our twins! Lucki and Makai
....Yes, God I hear you!