How far along? 9 weeks 1 day
Baby's size and stats? Baby is the size of a GRAPE. His/her fingernails are growing and bones are forming. He/she is one inch long!
Gain? Not completely sure. Doctor does not check everytime so I'm guessing 1-2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes, I bought a few pairs of maternity pants and they are sooo comfortable. My stomach is very bloated and I feel like I look 6 months pregnant so these pants are awesome. I am planning to purchase a belly band so I can wear my work pants a little longer.
Sleep? I have been sleeping great lately. I bought a body pillow today so I'm hoping that helps with my back issues. Laying only on my left side is taking it's toll on my hips.
Foods I am/ am not loving? Still hate meat. Loving fruit and yogurt. I walked down the bread aisle today and was ready to bread is out!
Best moment this week? Reaching 9 weeks and having lots of least i know something is going on in there.
Symptoms/Emotions? I've been very emotional (I blame it on the shows I watch, thanks alot Army Wives). I seem to have alot more nausea these days, and yesterday I started having a headache and it has yet to disappear.
Gender? I'm still voting on boy, but praying for a healthy girl OR boy.
What I'm thankful for: Friends who share my joy. Friends who are pregnant along with me. Family who are very supportive and a husband who is very understanding of my outrageous-sometimes-ridiculous emotional breakdowns.
Prayer Requests: This is one is a little selfish, but I could really use prayers. I had a small scare yesterday and I could really use prayers that God will take away my anxiety and allow this baby to grow!!
**Since last week was our last ultrasound, I promise to start posting belly pictures soon. Jeff is still gone in the field so when he gets back we will start taking belly photos.