Friday, April 29, 2011
Hello 2nd Trimester!
I hate the pounding headaches that I'm having! I'm afraid to take anything so I am just dealing with the pain. But, currently I have such a bad headache it has brought me to tears.
But, what makes me looking at the calendar and my countdown get smaller and smaller each day!
Gee I hope next week goes quickly!!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Our Sweet Peach
Baby's size and stats? 3 inches long and the size of a PEACH!
Gain? Not quite sure. I'm sure it changes daily...up and down.
Sleep? I'm still waking up to pee alot, but other than that I'm sleeping pretty great.
Foods I am/ am not loving? I'm pretty much back to normal with eating....except I can't seem to fit much these days.
Best moment this week? Rescheduling our "gender determination scan" a day earlier....b/c I just can't wait.
Symptoms/Emotions? The only symptoms I'm really having this week are a few bathroom problems that I won't share....and the constant crying. Yea, I'm still crying.
Gender? Well, only 9 more days and we will know.
What I'm thankful for: Being pregnant. I'm so thankful God chose me to carry this child. I pray we are able to raise a Godly child who loves to hear the story of Jesus.
Prayer Requests: This week I would like to pray for several friends who are also expecting. Please pray for my dear friends Carrie, Stefanie, Christi, Jessie, Crystal, my sister Beth, and Melody. Also, please keep several of my friends who are trying to conceive. I will not say their names in respect for their privacy.
Weekly Bump: I have one! Look below!! I love my growing belly!

Baby heartbeat this week has ranged 130-156 bpm. So, we'll see next week is Patrick or Peighton is hiding in there.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Our Perfect Plum
Baby's size and stats? 2.5 inches long. .5 oz. Fingerprints are fully formed and baby learns to swallow this week.
Gain? Not quite sure. Yesterday's appointment shows I lost 3 pounds since pre-pregnancy appt.
Sleep? I wake up almost every other hour to pee!! I take many naps when I can these days....when I get home from work, when I am home on the weekends and any time in between when I can.
Foods I am/ am not loving? Most of my appetite is back now and I can handle mostly anything.
Best moment this week? Hearing baby's heartbeat at the doctor (made it more official than when I hear it at home) and watching my hubby read to the baby ;)
Symptoms/Emotions? Still crying. Alot. I've been having horrible dreams that are all the same theme and I wake up hysterically crying. My oh-so-comforting husband lovingly tells me to go back to sleep and I stay awake for several more hours.
Gender? Well, only two weeks away.....REALLLLLLY thinking boy. Heartbeat has not been over 152 during any of our "peeks".
Names: Ok I'll share our names....
What I'm thankful for: A God who forgives my crazy pregnant lady thoughts, my stumbling during the day (not literally, ha!), and the fact that no matter how much I trust him...I still worry and have irrational fears. Praying I can turn it all over to Him and learn to relax.
Prayer Requests: This week would be a great time to pray for fellow military wives...especially those who are experiencing pregnancy, first-time moms doing it alone, women waiting on their husbands to return, and moms raising children knowing their husbands are never returning.
Weekly Bump: I have not taken my belly pic this week. I feel so bloated though that I look very pregnant and I am a little self-conscience of it.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Baby's heartbeat today. 11 weeks 4 days!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Peace. Of. Mind
*150? I'm still thinking boy!*
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Our Lemon-babe
How far along? 11 weeks
Baby's size and stats? 2 inches long, the size of a lime! This week baby is learning to swollow and teeth buds are forming.
Gain? 2 pounds (morning sickness disappeared last week so the weight will come soon enough) Maternity clothes? Just comfy pants so far.
Sleep? I wake up almost every other hour to pee and my back hurts from only laying on my sides (hurts to much to lay on my chest).
Foods I am/ am not loving? All foods are slowly rejoining my life. I ate a hamburger twice this week....that's huge for me in general much less while I'm pregnant!
Best moment this week? Booking the appt for our 14 week 4D ultrasound to find out the gender!!
Symptoms/Emotions? Emotions are like a 4-letter word around here. I cry alot. I get mad easily. I stress way too much.
Gender? Well, we'll know in 3 weeks.
Names: (I made this one up...for fun). We have names picked out, but not sharing just yet! But, I will say initials will be PJS with either sex.
What I'm thankful for: God, who is responsible for all the following: Health. Answered prayers. Unanswered prayers. Church family. Caring Friends. Loving family. A devoted husband. A providing husband.
Prayer Requests: This week I'm asking that you pray for those still struggling with infertility. So many people are still waiting to get pregnant. Jeff & I struggled for a long time, but so many people have been waiting even longer. Please pray that God will bless their lives with a child somehow.
I actually have a picture this week! It's from Sunday when I was 10.5 weeks, but it'll have to do.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Our Sweet Prune
Baby's size and stats? 1.5 inches long, the size of a large prune! This week baby is starting to form bones, muscles, and finishing touches on many of the internal organs. If you put an object in the babies hand, he/she could grab it and hold it ;) Also, his/her eyes are open and the eyelids are beginning to fuse.
Gain? 2 pounds
Maternity clothes? Don't think differently of me, but yes! I love them. I'm not really "showing", but I'm soooo bloated so I've discovered a few pairs of maternity pants and they are w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l.
Sleep? I am not sleeping! I toss and turn, pee every hour, have back pain, switch sides, pee again, then finally fall asleep only to wake up and pee!
Foods I am/ am not loving? Meat is slowing coming back in my diet. I still don't want to cook it though. I made chicken last night and only ate 2 bites for giving my sandwich to Jeff. Sweets are slowing coming back today too.
Best moment this week? As usual, just making it to 10 weeks! I'm looking forward to our next appt in two weeks so we can hear the heartbeat. Only 3 more weeks until I'm out of the 1st trimester!
Symptoms/Emotions? I'm not as emotional, in fact, I'm rather impatient lately. Things people say tend to bother me more than before and I've found myself wanting to say my true feelings to people.
Gender? Boy....or Girl! 50-50 chance ya know? ;)
What I'm thankful for: A God who answered my prayers and still continues to bless me even with all of my short-comings.
Prayer Requests: For several of my friends who are expecting as well. Please pray for God to calm their fears, protect their babies, and continue to bless their marriages.
Someday I will post belly pics, but right now there's not much to show and tonight I'm exhausted. I was falling asleep during conversations at church tonight so I need to go to bed. Maybe in the next few weeks I'll have a little bump to share :)