30 weeks today!
I can't believe we only have 10 weeks left!
I can't believe we only have 10 weeks left!
Peighton is the size of a butternut squash...weighing in at 3 pounds and 5 oz. and most likely a little over 18 inches! (most books say 17, but our little girl can break records for her long legs).
Peighton is starting to have a more regular sleep pattern. She is most active at night...not my favorite! I wake up in the morning hoping to feel her kicking and moving so I can "count kicks" and she's usually fast asleep and I resort to the doppler to make sure I hear her heartbeat. Evening time when I'm settling down for the day, watching a movie, or enjoying dinner she's doing zumba moves in my belly. I love every move though!
Miss Peighton continues to get sweet unexpected gifts in the mail all the time. Last week I shared the beautiful baby blanket my great Aunt Leslie made. A few weeks before that one of my best friends, Krissy, sent an adorable outfit that I can't wait to see her in....it has a sweet kitten face on the tush :)
She also got this sweet gift from another best friend, Anna. I plan to use this bag for our many beach trips we plan to take when visiting my parents in Myrtle Beach. When we're not at the beach it will make a great toddler "outing" bag.

Today I made my first rag quilt. I originally made this for a friend who is expecting a girl as well, but there are few imperfections that are driving me crazy so I'm going to keep this one and make her a better one.

Most of my maternity pants are getting snug so I need to adjust them to last me the next two and a half months. I have been living in t shirts and shorts/yoga pants at home, but with the chance to go back to work for a few weeks I need to find something to fit me comfortably.
Lately I've been super hungry and want to eat anything sweet that crosses my path. Yesterday my friend Roxy forced me to watch "Cupcake Wars" and every single cupcake left an empty feeling in my stomach :) Needless to say, we have a few recipes in reserve for the upcoming weeks.
Good news! I passed my glucose test! I was so nervous about that and just anticipating that phone call that would lead to the 3 hour long test so I'm extremely happy I passed!
So far, I've gained about 22 pounds...give or take...based on how much ice cream I eat each day :)
I was afraid I gained too much, but the nurse said I'm right on track and since Peighton has always measured ahead it makes perfect sense. My uterus is measuring perfectly at 30 weeks, but Peighton is measuring a little bigger. I imagine she's running out of room quickly.
I do seem to have a new symptom that is driving me nuts. My nose is running like I have a cold. I blow it constantly and yet it continues to run!
Night time is also proving to be an obstacle. I sleep on my left side and my hip begins to hurt and my leg goes numb, so I switch to my right side....and the same happens there. I've been sleeping less on my back lately due to the horrible sciatic nerve pain that accompanies it.
The choking on acid in my sleep seems to be getting better, but I did wake up the other night and throw up for no apparent reason.
The ugly side of pregnancy has been showing it's face lately with headaches. Some days they are so bad I take a 3-4 hour long nap shortly after waking up for the day. I have to cover my eyes and sleep in the complete dark to feel better. Eating also helps, but it only feels better WHILE I'm eating...once I'm done, the headache is back. Luckily, my blood pressure was ok last appointment so it's most likely just hormonal changes.
Finally, here is my belly pic for this week! I can't believe how much I/she is growing and getting bigger each day. I am working on making a photo album that I can look back and compare each week of my belly and someday share with Peighton.

Until next time, God bless!