This week has been a tough one. Hubby deployed for a short deployment (well, short compared to the others). It was a hard day for all of us, but we know he will be ok and be home soon.

Playing with a weapon (I was not in the room at the time, but pictures alone make me cringe.)

PJ got lots of cuddles that day with daddy.

Our family

In other news, PJ's hair is getting so long. She officially has a mullet :) but putting it up makes it look a little less hillbillyish.

I just love her sweet face and cute cheeks. This girl can make me smile anytime (even when she's refusing to go to sleep like right now.)

She started making super silly faces and funny noises to go along with them.

I just love her little face and chubby cheeks.

So, in a few short weeks Peighton will be 5 months old. I will look back at these pictures and be stunned at all the changes and how fast she grows.
Dear Peighton,
I am amazed at all you do these days. You are growing, changing, and becoming a big girl right before my eyes. I love to see you learn new things like grabbing your toys and my phone. You love to stare at mommy and daddy when you wake up in the morning. You usually make it in to our bed around 2am and stay there until it's time to get make the rules around here so wake up time is usually bright and early. You also are learning to play with the dogs. When they come close to you, you will grab for them and pull their hair. They don't like it, but I think it's pretty telling of how you will treat them in a few months. We are taking a big trip in a few weeks and I am very nervous about how you will be. I beg of you...please please don't scream in your car seat. It will leave mommy with some sanity. For now, continue to be super cute and happy.
I love you,