Last night we had dinner with some friends from church. They asked us to meet them for dinner at a place that was "above an arena". Anyone who knows me will know that I usually show up for dinner in a dress shirt and heels...and last night was no exception. We arrived at a little steakhouse called "Cross Roads" it was LITERALLY inside of an arena. Jeff laughed as he dropped me off at the front "barn door" so I didn't have to walk too far in the dirt and mud. The smell of horse ^**^ and cow *^^* filled the air....and this was our view.
I couldn't get Makai to look at the camera today so I attempted to do it while holding him...and it still did not work. He's just like Jeff...stubborn and cute :)
It wasn't too much out of my (high school days) element and it was alot of fun! The only disturbing thing was that I ate a cheeseburger and the others ate steak....while watching cowboys/girls rope little cows. And even though they claim each animal doesn't feel anything after we ate we got a closer look and hear...and they do feel it! :( I thought with my sweet southern accent I'd fit right in...I was wrong. In addition to the many funny looks people gave me (probably the heels, yes I know) the waitress had me repeat my drink order b/c she said she couldn't understand my accent....then, she said I sounded like I was from OKLAHOMA??!! Really??? I don't know many people from OK, but the few I do sound totally different than those of us from SC.
But, it was an awesome dinner with great company. I know we'll do it again...just next time, I'll be eating chicken salad. 
Here's something I thought was funny. In many states it's illegal to drive & talk, but does that go for horseback too? 

SPRING IS IN THE AIR! And my new "summer resolution" is to get a green thumb. My dad would probably laugh at me for saying this, but I made my first attempt...I transffered a potted plant into a new pot! HA!
I plan to continue my new found talent (ha ha) inside the house as well. I successfully transferred a bouquet of tulips into a beautiful vase for our table.
I hope that my new garden mentor and friend, Amanda, will show me how to grow a beautiful vegetable garden and summer time flowers. Something that will most definately make my daddy proud :)
After church today I hung out with the pups and cleaned the house and just had to take some adorable photos of my children.
How can anyone not love these faces?
Here's a funny story I have probably shared 1,000,000,000 times. Makai loves to steal our towel after we get out of the shower. He steals it right off my body...he'll pull it off while I'm in a vulnerable Then, he spins in circles and eventually falls on the floor rubbing himself all over the towel...probably as a hint to give him a bath. So, here's a funny picture of him doing it today while I was getting ready for church.
He looks so cute and does such funny things that sometimes I forget that he's just a dog and not an adorable toddler.

So tomorrow starts week 2 of my new wonderful job! I'm actually excited about getting up at 515am these days. I am more than ready to finally get my routine regulated so I can finally start working out again and back in to bikini shape.
I LOVE the picture of Makai with half the towel on his head its so adorable!
I just found your blog. It is funny we have the same background! Look forward to reading more! I am also hoping to get back to my diet/workout routine tomorrow! eek how the days slip away!
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