Tuesday, June 28, 2011
This Week's Peighton Projects
1. Make new boppy cover.
2. Practice (on cheap burp clothes) turning prefolds into fitted!
3. Visit the local cloth diaper shop to make sure the cloth diaper I won on eBay lives up to my standards.
4. Make framed pictures for the nursery walls.
5. Make carseat cover.
Tomorrow I will be 22 weeks. I feel like time is flying by. I love that I feel Peighton move every single day and often feel her have the hiccups. I promise I will post a belly picture and 22 week update tomorrow. I certainly look bigger than 22 weeks, but for once I'm not complaining about getting bigger. She can have as much room as she needs.
I spent yesterday pulling weeds in the yard for over an hour and finished the job today. I thought 2nd trimester was supposed to be the "honeymoon" phase, but today I'm exhausted from doing so much yesterday. My body aches. My head hurts. And the heartburn...rrrr but more on that tomorrow.
Friday, June 24, 2011

Crafty Day

I have a few other projects in mind for this weekend including a few onesies, a diaper bag, wipes box cover, and a few wall decor.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
20 week scan

The only new thing going on is her movement. I feel her move a lot more now. Anytime I sit forward she kicks me as if I'm squishing her, oops! I feel her a lot after/during mealtime as well. I'm beginning to learn her sleep pattern too. She sleeps alllll day, except when I'm eating, and rolls/kicks/plays allll night while I'm sleeping. Just an indication of what's to come I suppose. I've also had a severe pain in my stomach. It has happened 3 times. The first time was at 16.5 weeks. I believe I mentioned it once before. I ran to the bathroom expecting to see blood and it turned out to be gas. It happened again the last two nights in a row at 2am and 3am. This time though it was not gas...it feels like gas, but nothing eases the pain. It is definitely the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Today's episode left me sore for several hours. I was up at 3am with the pain and when hubby left for work at 5am I was still awake. I plan to discuss it with my doctor at the next appointment, but if it continues and gets worse I will call him immediately.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
More Nursery Pics

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

This was the best one and shows all the kids personalities perfectly.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
20 weeks

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
18 weeks 6 days sneak peek
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Surprise Baby Shower
Thank you all for the sweet comments about baby's movement. I appreciate all of your kind words, they definately made me feel better and know that I shouldn't worry and we are all different.
This morning I went to breakfast and the farmer's market with my dad and hubby. I text a few friends on face.book asking if they would like to meet up and hang out while we are in town. Then, my dad started rushing us to come home so he could make my mom lunch....thought it was strange, but I let it go. As we drove in to my parents neighborhood, my husband started video taping and when I asked him why he said it was to document the way home so he knew how to get here. I didn't really have time to argue with him before I saw the cars in the driveway and the balloons...it was a baby shower!
AND three of the friends I was messaging on face.boo.k were there!! Here are a few pictures of the great day!