My cousin Arlean, her daughter Kelsie, and I

WOW. TODAY I AM 20 WEEKS!! I am still in shock that I am at the half way point. The ticker at the top of my page says baby moves and keeps me up at night...that's completely true!! In the last 3 days, Peighton has been moving so much it makes my stomach hurt....but, I'm loving every single twist, turn, and kick.
Today is our last full day with our family and friends so I will post my 20 week update when we get home and settled.
We have had a great visit and trip. Two baby showers. Family. Friends. Lots of laughter and good times.
We came with 2 carry-on bags and we are leaving with 2 carry-ons and 2 checked baggage....full of baby stuff. We are so blessed.
I will update tomorrow with more exciting pictures and details when we get settled at home.
Thought about you today. I was watching an episode of the Duggars today and it was one where they were speaking at "Focus on the Family." They were interviewing people about who their favorite Duggar was and I remembered your previous post about you being asked that when you were there. I also checked back to your post and Michelle was wearing the same outfit in the episode that she was wearing in your post, so it was definitely the same speaking engagement. How awesome-I'm soooo jealous!!!
In other news-I'm thrilled for you and Peighton's movement. Yay!! The kicking is amazing, isn't it?! :)
I am so happy for you guys Peighton is such a blessing and i cant wait to meet her. You guys have a good trip back we miss you guys
Amy-they showed my friends and I briefly. If you saw the part where they showed the line waiting outside, they walked right by us and I was waving and my friend Lily was holding up the book. Hubby & I paused it last night to see my friends and I. :) It was awesome. The movement is amazing! I never thought I'd have the opportunity to feel a child moving inside of me. I cannot believe that I am lucky enough to be going through this. It is AWESOME!! She moves so much and truly keeps me awake at night, but I have no complaints at all...I love every single moment.
Lily-You've been such a great friend for so many years and Peighton is truly blessed to have such a great auntie :)
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