There was a Yankee table just for the hubs. He is the biggest New York Yankee fan ever!
Many of Peighton's gift were just so precious. One of my sisters got her 6 pairs of infant shoes....probably one of MY favorites.
My grandmother had many of the guests decorate a shirt for Peighton. My Aunt Marylou made the perfect one ;)
My grandmother also gave us a plate for all the guests to sign and leave notes for Peighton. This will be on display in her room for many years.
We attempted to get a picture of all the grandchildren (with Peighton).
This was the best one and shows all the kids personalities perfectly.
This is the ONLY picture from our trip of my mom and I :( I wish we had many more together, so next time that will be the first thing on my list.
Can you see Jeff's excitement as I opened a pink Yankee sweatsuit for Peighton? Adorable. Just the perfect face.

This was the best one and shows all the kids personalities perfectly.

Today, our bodies are still on east coast time. Jeff was awake by 7:00am (which almost never happens on days he has off) and I woke up a little after 8am. We were out the door and at Lowe's by 9am. We picked up the paint and supplies to work on the nursery. My wonderful hubby has been working on it for several hours now. I cannot wait to see the finished product. Our color scheme is light pink, green, and white. It is definately a huge task and took 3 hours of preparation. I am so blessed to have a husband who wants this room to be just as perfect as I do.
Our preparations are coming along wonderfully! My wonderful aunt bought Peighton her crib, my best friend and her family allowed us to get the changing table, another friend purchased the changing table pad, and today we are going to Babies R Us to get the stroller and car seat. Next week we plan to put it all together and complete refinishing the dresser and hopefully begin decorating next weekend as well. Some people think it's too early to get this stuff finished 5 months before she arrives, but since we will be a 1 income family in 2 months we need to complete as much as we can now.
Next on my agenda is to purchase a few of the cloth diapers, nursery decor, and the glider. I plan to visit our local cloth diaper store next week so I can see in person the many options and figure out what I really like for our little Peighton.
On to another subject....replies....
Many of you are writing such sweet comments and I have no idea how to reply to you without writing a comment myself. So, if someone could give me a few pointers that would be great. I would love to reply to you all and I have no idea how to do that...currently.
I hope everyone has a great Father's Day weekend. I will do a post for my daddy this weekend that will be just as much of a tear jerker as the one I did for mom ;0)
It looks like an amazing shower! Can't wait to see pictures of her room as you get more done.
You have had so many amazing showers-what a lucky girl Miss Peighton is!! Her nursery sounds adorable. Her color scheme is very similar to Lorelai's when she was a baby and it is absolutely perfect for a little girl!
The free tickets were an awesome blessing for your die hard fan of a husband-God is so good, isn't he?! :)
Looking forward to your posts of the nursery and the ball game. Know how it is to have many pictures in reserve just waiting to be posted.
Not sure how to reply to comments other than the way you have done it in the past-sorry. :(
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