I'm working on some things for Peighton's room and for her this week. Here's my list (mainly for me so I can keep track of what is left to do):
1. Make new boppy cover.
2. Practice (on cheap burp clothes) turning prefolds into fitted!
3. Visit the local cloth diaper shop to make sure the cloth diaper I won on eBay lives up to my standards.
4. Make framed pictures for the nursery walls.
5. Make carseat cover.
Tomorrow I will be 22 weeks. I feel like time is flying by. I love that I feel Peighton move every single day and often feel her have the hiccups. I promise I will post a belly picture and 22 week update tomorrow. I certainly look bigger than 22 weeks, but for once I'm not complaining about getting bigger. She can have as much room as she needs.
I spent yesterday pulling weeds in the yard for over an hour and finished the job today. I thought 2nd trimester was supposed to be the "honeymoon" phase, but today I'm exhausted from doing so much yesterday. My body aches. My head hurts. And the heartburn...rrrr but more on that tomorrow.
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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