How far along? 18 weeks 2 days
Baby's size and stats? 5-7 inches long and the size of a SWEET POTATO!
Gain? I'm not really keeping track. As long as doc does not tell me to slow down I'm gaining the healthy poundage.
Sleep? I have been sleeping great lately, especially now that we're back home at my parents house.
Foods I am/ am not loving? I'm pretty much loving anything I did and hot dogs seem to be all I want though.
Maternity clothes? Yes...especially dresses.
Best moment this week? Coming back home to celebrate with my awesome friends and family.
Symptoms/Emotions? Well, I didn't think I was bad...but apparently I'm an emotional basketcase ha! The only symptoms I have are occasional cramps and a little bit of exhaustion still. I'm also battling a horrible cold/congestion this week. I've been given the ok to take Su.da.fed, but the secret the 4 hour mark comes up I have to take more. It was horrible for the plane ride and now I have a migraine from all the sniffling when I couldn't get a tissue fast enough.
Gender? IT'S A GIRL!!!
What I'm thankful for:
A great family support system. My parents are awesome and I'm so glad we got to come home to celebrate with them. I am also looking forward to the reunions that will take place over the next two weeks. I will have lots of pictures to share soon of all the people I love ;)
Park City Utah
3 years ago
Aww Baby Sweet Potato :) It's funny that you mention the cramping. I had a lot of bad cramping at week 18-19. The nurse at my OB said that this is normal because between 18-20 weeks is one of the biggest growth spurts.
So sorry to hear about your cold and your migraine. :( Can't wait to see your pictures from your fabulous trip! Enjoy your awesome time with friends and family!! Aren't maternity dresses the BEST?!?! As always, love your precious food comparisons. :O)
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