Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Spiritual Savings Account

For every 7 prayers, you don't get a blessing!

Recently I heard someone talk about how they feel like when they ask God for something they have to "Fill up" on good deeds to make up for that one blessing. Well, this got me thinking. Your relationship with God is not a savings account. Just because you ask for something does not mean that you have to do something to get what you asked for. God is better than Santa he knows when you're being good and when you're being bad. I feel sorry for this person because they believe that God does not give unless you do something worthy of his gifts. Ever looked at your child and thought "what have I done to deserve this blessing"? Well, it's not something you did. Our God is so giving and so loving that He blesses you with many "things, people, friends, etc" just because He loves you.

I named this post "Spiritual Savings Account" because I think some people believe that each time they pray they are adding to their "account" with God and that leaves them with opportunities to ask for something. While this sounds logical for our real account it's not at all what God wants us to feel. When I ask God to bless someone or bring someone home to me...I am not "withdrawling from my account". He loves me no matter how many times I pray, how many times I go to church or dont go.... I believe that God will bless your life in many ways that you may not recognize as a blessings at that time. For example, while I miss my husband dearly each time he deploys I know that it is a sort of blessing.

Seperation brought strength to our marriage....God Blessed us!

I made great friends who filled in my empty time without Jeff....God Blessed me!

Opportunities of school, work, fun, life were made while he was gone....God Blessed Me!

My health and lifestyle become healthier....God blessed me!

So you see, our life is not a savings account filled with "thank yous" to God, prayers thanking Him for items; He simply blesses us because it makes Him happy to see us blessed. God will continue to give you what you ask for as long as you believe that He is the reason for your blessings. So to that girl (you know who you are) who believes that she has to complete one more good deed to get that prayer answered; please understand that Our Lord Savior is so happy to bless you, He recognizes the good/bad in everyone and will continue to give your life many blessings as long you live. Even when you do not recognize the sudtle blessings He remains the giver. He will not punish you for forgetting to pray He will answer your prayers and your requests. Here is a verse that backs up my post:

"And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for." 1 John 5 14-15 NLT

My prayer request for this week is that we think of the people who struggle with prayer. Those who are not aware of what to ask for, how to ask or how to thank Him. I hope that someone reaches out to those who are seeking God's word, but cannot find the beginning.

God Bless!

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