Baby's size and stats? 5-7 inches long and the size of a TURNIP! (This is the first food comparison that does not make me hungry-HA!)
Gain? I've gained 2 pounds since 12 weeks appt.
Sleep? I pee...every hour. Not getting much sleep these days.
Foods I am/ am not loving? I'm loving anything smothered in mustard.
Maternity clothes? Yes...pants always and a few shirts
Best moment this week? Feeling like this baby is so loved by so many.
Symptoms/Emotions? Annoyed right now so I won't even answer this one....
Gender? IT'S A GIRL!!!
What I'm thankful for:
Last weeks response: A wonderful group of people that I see everyday, my co-workers. They (especially one lady in particular) cheer me up everyday and give me great advice. I even made the decision to come back after the summer just so I can say goodbye to them and enjoy a few more weeks with them.
How ironic that I wrote that last week and today they were so sweet and spoiled Peighton with a book shower. She got so many wonderful books that Jeff & I will read to her for many years. The funniest part of the whole shower was when it began as a faculty meeting and Kathie came out dressed as a stork/voulcher and waved her magical stork wand to find out who was pregnant. If you knew our crowd, I would tell the things she said, but you really wouldn't get it. I'll just share a few hilarious pictures.
Kathie dressed as the stork!
Making her rounds and waving her magical wand.
Why is your face so red Nate? You never had a stork on your lap?
The stork & I-she delivered a plastic Peighton :)
(not the best picture of me, I was/look exhausted)
This week has been wonderful. I got a sweet package from Hawaii that a dear friend and wonderful hair dresser, Keiko, sent to Peighton. She sent lots of adorable bacth towels, rain boots, and cookies (for mommy). Thank you Keiko. You are soooo sweet!!I must say I loooove my church family. When we miss a week of class, they always notice. When one of us is sick, we get cards in the mail and when we're expecting a baby girl we get a huge bag of baby clothes. I will do a new post this weekend with pictures of all the loving items Peighton has received thus far. She is definately a loved baby by many!
I also would like to send a huge CONGRATULATIONS to one of my very very best friends, Jessie, on the birth of her second baby. Ava is now a big sister to a sweet little boy named Elijah Lincoln. He (just like his sister) gave us all a scare, but is strong and healthy and happily at home with his family! I don't have her permission to post a picture so I'll just give a description. He has an adorable round nose (just like his mommy), LOTS of black hair (just like his daddy), and the most perfect lips ever (just like his beautiful big sister)! I wish we were all still in Hawaii so we could celebrate together, but soon I will get to reunite with the Robinettes! Congratulations again...we love all 4 of you!